Monday, August 9, 2010


When I went "home" a few weeks ago, we just had to go to the Farmer's Market!

I have always been a big fan of the Farmer's Market.

At home home in DE, we had a cool Farmer's Market that was in town and they had an Italian Water Ice stand that was probably my favorite. Well, that and the sunflowers that you could buy for a quarter!!!!

The "home" Farmer's Market is right down the street from where I lived when I watched Squirt for his first 9 months of life. I loved that within a 5 minute car ride we were there! I could put Squirt in the stroller and just walk around. It was a great way to pass the time after he took an afternoon nap.

So, Squirt, his mom and I headed to the Farmer's Market to get some veggies for dinner!

Can't wait to go back! It just makes me happy!

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