Friday, August 27, 2010

Crazy Eights

Last week, I was tagged in the blog world for the first time! Melissa, has asked me to complete the following 8 questions!

1. What is the best book you have ever read?

I'm probably breaking the rules with my answer to this question but it's my blog, so my rules!

When I was really little, I remember that I loved
Katy No Pocket by Emmy Payne and Jamberry by Bruce Degen. I also loved the Berenstain Bears series by Stan and Jan Berenstain and Henry and Mudge by Cynthia Rylant.

As I "aged" I enjoyed
Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish, Junie B Jones by Barbara Park, The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Warner

In middle school, I remember reading
Tears of a Tiger and Forged by Fire, both by Sharon Draper

In high school, college and beyond I enjoy(ed) reading
Almost anything Nicholas Sparks wrote, I really liked Let's Roll by Lisa Beamer, Crazy Love by Francis Chan and of course I was fan of To Hate Like This is to be Happy Forever by Will Blythe, The Carolina Way by Dean Smith, The Road to Blue Heaven by Wes Miller, Hard Work by Roy Williams. I'm sure I've read and enjoyed more, I just can't think of them!

2. What is your special talent?

These probably aren't considered talents, but I'm really good at picking people out of a crowd (real life and pictures), sale shopping, using coupons and organizing.

3. What is your dream job?

If we are talking about paid positions, I would LOVE to oversee the marketing/promotions for a college or professional team. Ideally, I would work for the UNC Tar Heels or a professional football/basketball team.

If we are talking about a non paid position, I always said my dream job was to be a stay at home mom, drive a SUV, be the mom that made all the fun food for kid and adult parties and just love life! Seriously though, I would be really good with the whole themed events! I'd even watch other peoples kids.

4. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

This is tough. I've had 2 good friends pass away so I'd like to be able to talk to them again, but if dinner is involved I'd probably want to eat with Paula Deen, Bobby Flay, Rachel Ray...anyone from the Food Network!

5. What is your best memory from this summer?

Wowsers....well, June wasn't really exciting, in July, Claire and Dave got married and for August, I went home for a few days and the kiddos I used to watch surprised me at the airport

6. Do you prefer football or basketball, or neither?

Oh my stars! I am a MASSIVE College Basketball fan! I'll watch it on tv, in real life, movies, read in books and magazines. I do enjoy College Football as well! I'll watch NFL games but I'm that emotionally/physically involved in them. If I do watch an NBA game it's because I want to watch a certain athlete.

7. Winter Olympics or Summer Olympics?

To attend, depends on the venue. To watch, probably Summer. To complete, I'd probably take the winter GOLD in Curling or Figure Skating and the summer GOLD in Swimming or Track. Ha! :)

8. What is one thing you hope to accomplish by August 2011?

I'd really like to find a new career, become more involved in church (would probably help if I start to go to the same church consistently) and be on Dancing with the Stars. Hey, a gal can dream, right?

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