Tuesday, August 17, 2010

100 years to live....

    Since this is my 100th post,

    I decided to offer you lovely readers 100 things about me!

    I know you are THRILLED! :)

  1. I’m a first born across the board
  2. According to the stars, I’m a Pisces
  3. I’m happiest around water...beach, lake, pool, pond... so I guess the stars know what’s up
  4. I have never attended a Broadway play but I would like to see Wicked
  5. I have been to the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show by the Rockettes in New York City
  6. I bought my first car a month before I began my senior year of high school
  7. I had my first car accident spring semester of my freshman year of college. It was not my fault
  8. I don't like for my car to get below half a tank before getting more gas...a quarter of a tank is ok but anything lower "scares" me

  9. I often wish I had a musical talent. Maybe if I could sing or play an instrument...or excel at sports
  10. I'm slightly OCD but it’s more of me being really organized and having a plan
  11. For the majority of my life I wanted to be a 1st or 2nd grade teacher
  12. Junior year of high school I decided I wanted to be an athletic trainer....I was going to complete my graduate work at a High school and of course embark on a career as a college Athletic Trainer
  13. I actually majored in Sports Marketing and Management with a minor in Business Administration
  14. I still want to oversee the game day marketing and promotions for a college or professional team
  15. But I do enjoy my current job because I have more of a creative say in what happens and I’ve met a ton of college and pro athletes!
  16. Against my High School Guidance Counselors wishes, I only applied to three colleges and was accepted
  17. I only visited two college campuses from the three in which I applied. Looking back, I wish I went on more campus tours
  18. I initially was very against going to the school in which I graduated from. I wanted to transfer. Badly. But didn’t. Looking back, I’m glad I stayed put
  19. To say that I over think a lot of my choices would be an understatement
  20. I'm a rule follower...except for the time the pool was supposed to open at 10:00am and at 11:15am the gate was still locked so I hopped the fence!
  21. I like to follow recipes when I cook but I tend to throw just about anything in a crock pot with some chicken and I'm usually pleasantly surprised!
  22. I always thought it would be fun to work in a grocery store which is why I love the self check out lane
  23. Working at Starbucks would scare me
  24. But I do enjoy their Cinnamon Dolce Frapp as well as the Salted Caramel whatever you call it and Pumpkin Spice beverages
  25. I’d rather enjoy a Campfire Mocha with Dark Chocolate and no Whip Cream from Caribou Coffee though
  26. I find grocery shopping relaxing
  27. I’m addicted to coupons and unless it is completely unavoidable, I rarely buy anything full price…and I’m proud of it!
  28. I’m a church hopper
  29. I was raised Catholic. Attended the Presbyterian church for 2 years, joined the Methodist church and 6 or 7 years later so far so good
  30. I’m closest to my Presbyterian Sunday School teacher and Methodist Youth Group Co-Leaders
  31. I would love to own a dog…but I work too much and it wouldn’t be fair to the dog
  32. But when I do own a dog…I’ve always wanted a yellow, chocolate or black lab

  33. I’ll name him Tar and teach him to Heel :)
  34. I’m addicted to Grey’s Anatomy and have been since it started in 2005
  35. I HATED the Season Finale in May….in fact I remained in the fetal position crying my eyes out after the first 8-15 minutes. I was good to go….we started watching again…..and 30 minutes in I was back to being a mess and had to take an hour break before we resumed. Luckily I was watching it with Adrienne and Jeff on the Sunday after it aired so we had plenty of time for my minor freak outs!
  36. Private Practice was pretty great too and now it’s just complicated but I still watch
  37. I do enjoy watching Glee. It makes me happy.
  38. I LOVE NCIS and NCIS LA….but I favor NCIS

  39. Yet, I can’t watch CSI because it scares the you know what out of me
  40. I could watch Big Bang Theory for HOURS! BAZINGA!!!!!!
  41. How I Met Your Mother is equally funny
  42. I think florists, while they put together gorgeous bouquets and arrangements are overrated and overpriced.
  43. I also believe that flowers from the grocery store or farmers market are much prettier and a better use of money
  44. But flowers from the garden/side of road are equally amazing
  45. I decorate my new room/dorm/apartment before I unpack clothes, dishes etc.
  46. I have a five shelf bookshelf that only has picture frames on it...no books
  47. I’ve always dreamed about a dream house with a room upstairs that is half of a hardwood basketball court with a hoop painted on the wall and half of a football field with green carpet and a yellow goal post pained on the wall
  48. In this dream room a big flat screen tv will be on the middle wall and all the walls will be lined with pictures of athletes and coaches that I have met and other sports memorabilia
  49. Before Steve and Barry’s closed, I wanted to rent an RV and go on a stadium tour. I’d gather a bunch of friends, buy as many college t-shirts and hoodies as possible and watch as many football and basketball games as possible! It was going to be epic.
  50. I still want to do a football/basketball rival game stadium/arena tour
  51. I’ve attended numerous college and minor league football/basketball/baseball games but never a professional game. Except for the Baltimore Orioles. I plan on changing that this football season!
  52. I don't like green beans
  53. I love the smell of clean laundry! In fact, I love to do laundry. I want Tide to make a candle/room spray
  54. My first “real” concert was Dave Matthews Band at Hershey Park

  55. Ive attended more Eric Church concerts than anything else

  56. The last concert I attended was Casting Crowns

  57. With the exception of Jam Session at home as well as the plethora of other fine summer concerts, my favorite concert set was the Passion Conference

  58. My first "job" was babysitting

  59. The first little boy that I watched is about to begin his SENIOR YEAR of HIGH SCHOOL. He was 3 the first time I watched him

  60. I love kids and enjoyed babysitting so much that I’ve often thought about opening a daycare for just the kids that I wanted to watch

  61. But then I realized how much paperwork and how many rules were involved with it

  62. However, aside from working in a restaurant for the first time, I was a nanny for an AMAZING family after college. I love those kiddos a TON and miss them TERRIBLY

  63. During my time with them I realized I kind of want to be an Imagination Mover and hang out with Rich, Scott, Dave, Smitty and Warehouse Mouse

  64. My first “real” job was working at a Pool Store. I could test water and treat a cloudy/green pool like a champ!

  65. Summer 2001 I spent 9 days in Washington, DC for the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership World Leadership Conference or HOBY WLC

  66. It was life changing and I’d go back with that same group in a heartbeat

  67. I miss DC and want to visit again. Summer 2001 was the last time I went with the exception of passing the monuments from I 95….which doesn’t count!

  68. My Grampa always thought and still thinks I should've gone into Politics.

  69. I was the Executive Board Student Council President in High School

  70. That title transitioned into college as senior year I was the Executive Board Student Government Association Vice President

  71. I got to plan Freshman Orientation, Homecoming and SnowBall. Loved it!

  72. So far, at the end of 2010 I will have been in 2.5 weddings

  73. But I’ve had 6 friends get engaged in the last 8 months

  74. I want to somehow be a STAR so that I can be on Dancing with the Stars because I probably won’t make it as a professional ballroom dancer

  75. If I could eat one thing each day for every meal it would be my Grammas French Toast

  76. In fact, I would much rather eat breakfast food for all meals, all day

  77. I love a capella music but don’t listen to it that often. It amazes me

  78. Mr. Holland’s Opus is one of my favorite movies

  79. But so is The Patriot, Remember the Titans, Baby Mama and The Hangover

  80. I find beauty in the little things

  81. I love taking pictures that are abstract

  82. When I was little I would search the beach for hours looking for the smallest shells and treasures with my Gramma

  83. I’ve never been camping…unless you count in the comforts of the backyard with beetles crawling in my hair. It was glamorous

  84. I HATE snakes with a passion

  85. I also HATE scary movies
    -Funny story….in high school a bunch of us got together and watched Gothika in a friends Florida room….full of windows….yea, we ended up closing all of the blinds and about half an hour to forty five minutes into the movie, Ashley, Sara, Chad, Ryan, Matt and I were all sitting on the same couch
  86. The last time I was dragged to a Haunted Forest against my will was Senior Year of college. It was traumatic. I literally grabbed on to whoever was next to me, screamed and squeezed their arm until it was blue. I hated every minute of it and couldn’t sleep for weeks. The guys found it amusing

  87. I have LeBron James’ autograph from when we were in high school
    -He was playing in a high school basketball tournament at the beach and he happened to be sitting in the section next to us. None of the guys would go talk to him, they just stared. I went over to him and asked him to sign the ticket stub from the game he had just played in. I made that DECISION in less than 59 minutes and 49 seconds too :)

  88. I have a Fourth of July Bucket list….Charleston, SC, NYC, Washington, DC, Boston. Naturally, any beach rocks for 4th of July festivities!

  89. I’ve been to New Orleans twice before Katrina and once after. I definitely want to go back when it’s not 100 degrees…and I want to go to Mardi Gras

  90. I tend to go through food addictions weekly. Pretzels, bagels, waffles, guacamole, chips and salsa, ice cream, fro yo. I’m currently addicted to Traditional Chex Mix

  91. But anytime I eat something that resembles a "mix" I eat it piece by piece. Using Chex Mix as an example, I eat all rye chips first, bread sticks, pretzels, chex pieces with the least amount of seasoning and I finish it off with the chex pieces that are loaded with flavor. Weird, I know! :)

  92. I love bagels from a little shop at home at the beach

  93. I’m really good at walking around Target for the fun of it

  94. I enjoy music and outdoor concerts

  95. Even if it’s just a little two person band in the middle of bunch of restaurants/shops…if there is music, I’ll sit and listen

  96. I've met 3 bloggers in real life. The Williams Family (Patrice, Matt & Jonah), Nonny (Love Being a Nonny) and most recently Melissa (The View From 5' 2")

  97. I often wonder why the symbol for foot is ' when clearly it should be " since we have 2 feet

  98. I have never dyed my hair...yep, I was struggling for a last fun fact with that one!

  99. Some of my favorite bible verses are: Mark 12:30 Luke 1:37 Jeremiah 29:11 Isaiah 55:9 Proverbs 3:5-6 Matthew 16:23

  100. I live a blessed life and I am beyond thankful for my family, friends and future

There ya have it! Here's to 100 more posts! And the promise that I will not do a "200 things about me" post!

If I was winning an EGOT (Emmy/Golden Globe/Oscar/Tony) I would like to say that:

I thank "Love Being a Nonny" for giving me the encouragement and inspiration to start this blog. She is an amazing woman with a heart filled with love, compassion, support, strength and happiness. May God continue to bless her and her adorable, growing family!


  1. So sweet Megan! You are precious! Loved your 100 things...I have to ask though, how can you be in 2.5 weddings??? 1/2 of a wedding??????????????

  2. ha ha well, I'm taking the "fun/random" pictures at a friends wedding the end of December. So, I've decided that that'll count as half of a wedding since my involvement will be sporadic! I took yearbook pictures throughout college and the gal getting married, I went to college with so she asked me if I would take the "fun/random" that the photographer won't think to take or have time to take! I thought 2.5 was a good way to put it!! :)
