Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God Bless Strangers!

Today was a prime example of why I have a blog. To make a VERY LONG DAY short, I won't bore ya with the details but instead profess my sincere thanks to the stranger that came to my rescue today.

Today I had a car that was filled with boxes to be delivered to offices, courtesy of a very nice customer. I was GPS'd to another zip code, which was about 20 minutes from where I work. Even with a GPS it was confusing to navigate and a bit adventurous and frustrating at times. I finally arrived at an office, elated that I was halfway through with my deliveries, made the drop and continued on my merry way to the next office. I was going to be home before I knew it! I could spend the afternoon Christmas shopping. Yes!

Or so I thought.

I hear this flapping noise and I really thought a big ol bug had flown in and was maybe trapped? Who knows! However, as I'm listening to Chester (my British speaking, female voice command yelling GPS) this gentleman that is getting out of his car keeps looking at me, pointing and yelling. Granted, my windows are up and I'm lost and I'm not certain what's going on, nor am I even certain that I'm in the right parking lot. Anyway, he's trying to tell me that my tire is......FLAT. Yippee! I thank him for the notice and realize that I'm an idiot and the flapping wasn't a trapped bug, it was the rubber of the wheel hitting the pavement as I drive 45 MPH to the next office. Yay me!

So, putting the job at hand before my personal issues, I make the drop and ask the really nice receptionist if it's ok that my car stays where it is at the moment (which was not at all a parking spot since the lot was full and well, I was scared to drive further) and explain to her that my car has a flat tire and I needed to call AAA. With that, the man standing next to her, John, offered to fix my tire. I thanked him profusely but told him that although I appreciated his generosity to help me, he was dressed nicely and I didn't want him to get dirty and that I could just call AAA. He assured me that it was ok and that AAA would take at least an hour and that it was no big deal.

So after taking everything out of my car (which was an ordeal) to find the jack and all that fun stuff, John was able to change the tire, direct me to the nearest gas station to add more air to the spare (heck, the spare hadn't been touched in at least 6 years) and send me on my way.

I offered to compensate John for his time and generosity and he declined. I know John doesn't read my blog, but I'm professing my thankfulness to John through the blog world! Hope everyone had a GREAT, flat tire free day!

Now I'm off to go write him a thank you note...

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