Friday, April 9, 2010

Quick Update!

I'm still alive! My Mom flew in Monday so we've been busy hanging out, unpacking, not decorating (because I just can't commit to hanging something on a wall when I haven't picked out a couch yet) shopping and just enjoying spending time together!!!

Sadly, Mom is in Detroit right now, waiting for her next flight so she can go home. I'll miss her, but I'm going home in May for brother's graduation so all is well!

Really, I have nothing exciting to report, no pictures this time around, but just wanted to post something.

Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're still out there!! I was getting worried :)

    I'm sure yall have had a blast!!

    Have you considered getting a couch from goodwill or Habitat Restore and recovering it?? Huge project - but it could be REALLY fun!?!
