Monday, April 19, 2010

THE Flip

I've had shorter hair for quite some time.

When I say short I mean the Katie Holmes bob from Summer 2007.

It worked for me.

I loved it.

I still think about that hair.

But, I'm trying to let my hair grow.

When I see/deal with this:

or this:

I immediately pick up the phone and call the gal that is currently cutting my hair (I realized I have 4 "hair" contacts in my for DE and one for each city in NC that I've lived in) I get nervous when I go through these "growing out" phases because I always feel like the person that is currently cutting my hair feels like I've abandoned them!

Anyway, I'm trying REALLY hard to let "THE flip" grow out.

But it's annoying. But I can do it!

At least until September.....crazy friends getting married!

1 comment:

  1. I'm the same way! My hair has been short for quite awhile. And I always think I'm ready to let it grow out. But once it gets to the place where it hits my shoulders and one side flips under while the other side flips out - I head straight to get it all chopped off again!
