Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Snapshot 3

Today's sermon was the third in the "GET BACK" series.

Thoughts to Ponder:
1. Go to God
-as long as you know where to go when in trouble, you're not far from help
2.Face your situation
-before God can give you a miracle, you must follow his instruction
3.Check your perspective
-all God needs is all you have. Even if you're poor, your Father is extremely rich!
4. Demonstrate your faith
-get some jars. God's not short on oil
5. Make your plan
-build a special room for God t move in your life

Phrases to enjoy:
I am an empty jar.

Get some jars!

Song to listen to:
sorry, I couldn't find a clip for my favorite song
So there it is. My third Sunday Snapshot. Completely random, but informative.
***Also, I posted last week but I dated it for 1/16***

Hope everyone has had a GREAT weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!

    Here's another good phrase
    "Go to the throne before you go the phone." Love that! I often call someone to ask them to pray before I even pray myself. Of heaven forbid I might gossip before I pray!!!
