Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday Snapshots

Week 2 of Mr. and Mrs. Betterhalf

happens to not only be Mother's Day Weekend but Holly Furtick, Pastor Steven's wife, delivered a great sermon!

Based on Philippians 2:1-13, Proverbs 15:33 and Proverbs 19:11, Holly was on fire! I just love how I attend a church that is so awesome from the top down. It's great to hear about every ones trials and tribulations and walk in and hear an awesome band put together an amazing worship set list and listen to a sermon by the pastor's wife.

Anyway, Holly hit the nail on the head with "anything worth having is work". How true is that! If you want to be successful, you can't just stay on the couch all day watching have to work to fix things/make them better.

humility is seeing the situation from the other persons perspective

you have to be able to understand both sides in order to achieve the end result.

humility is speaking to the heart, not the actions

marriage (or relationships) isn't 50/50, it's 100/100

this may be my favorite point. a partnership isn't splitting the chores down the middle, it's being equal and helping each other along the way. it's being accountable for the entire being, not just what's on your individual to do list.

You be Jesus and left God be God

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