Monday I spent 3 hours waiting in line at the DMV only to FINALLY reach the counter and discover that my car title wasn't signed so I needed to obtain the signature and come back. Well, since my mother lives in DE and I'm in NC, that's not so easy. Not to mention the fact that my current car registration expires March 15. Yikes! I called mom and we decided that I should have a friend sign it or forge it but since I had to work at 2:00 I didn't have time to have someone else sign it. So, I did what any desperate 3 hours wasted standing in line (which is a post for another day!) person would do and I left the parking lot, went to grab a snack, forged my mother's name with her permission and went back 45 minutes later. However, I wasn't able to skip to the front of the line and judging by the length of the line, I didn't have 3 more hours so I left. Now, I get to go back this coming Monday. UGH!
Tuesday I don't even remember! I know it was just yesterday but I was out and about attending different meetings so I know I spent a lot of time in my car...OH and I got VERY lost and had to call the place for directions since my GPS is no longer working. Chester, my GPS literally just decided to stop navigating my ways. I don't know what his problem is but he best snap out of it! :) It's tragic.
Today. Oh today. Today is such a sad day. I had to make a delivery to an awesome company and since it's located next to one of our corporate partners, I decided to pop in and drop off a sweet treat. Well, I left the first place and headed to the next parking lot and as I was driving it started to rain. The parking lots are HUGE and all of the close spots were taken so I wasn't able to park that close to the door. It is now POURING so in heels and carrying a box of sweet treats, I decided to RUN to the office door. As I'm running, carrying a box and dodging the colossal rain heel gets STUCK in the split of the sidewalk. STUCK. As in WEDGED in between the concrete blocks. It is raining so hard that a puddle is forming in my shoe. Mind you, at this point I am close enough to the front door that the security guard is watching this all play out. I go back for my shoe, carry it to the main entrance, dump the water out, put it on, get buzzed in and basically shake off like a wet dog. Mr. Security Guard makes a not funny to me joke about not having a towel and I tell him who I need to see and I wait for that person. Well, person comes down the stairs and just starts laughing. We decided that it was a good thing that we've dealt with one another for over a year and they know that I am usually put together and not sopping wet with soaking wet hair matted to my face/head and a sloshing shoe. I digress....
I go back to work and start to get stuff done and finally, at 7:45, pack up to leave. I come home (it's still raining), park my car, grab my phone, keys and a NICE bottle of wine that a customer gave me and open the back door to grab my purse and work bag and turn around and it happens. The wine bottle is slipping. The wine bottle is gone. It's pouring. The road smells like GOOD RED WINE. My pants smell like red wine. My shoes smell like red wine. It was tragic. I don't think I'll recover for awhile.
And now I'm not off to go pour myself a glass of wine. Instead I'll be licking it off the pavement or wringing it out of my pants and shoes. Not cool, Megan. Not cool.
Oh Megan! What a week! Just now seeing this! Hope it got better!
ReplyDeleteThat makes me so sad :(
ReplyDeleteHope this Monday is better!
And that your DMV wait wasn't too long!