Almost two week ago we had a nice little snow fall! The store was closed so I worked from home but decided it would be best to clean off my car as the day progressed. I'm really glad I did because Tuesday was nothing but ice and well, that's no fun to remove from your car!

I owned an ice scraper that also had a brush on it but for the life of me, I have no idea where it is. So, I used a squeegee to remove the snow from my windshield! Whatever works, right?!

Adrienne and her husband live within walking distance from my apartment so A came over for the afternoon so we could go exploring. We found this snowman by the apartment mailboxes! How cute!

We walked to $

And Target.

Poor A couldn't decide which SUMMER cover up to purchase. I think all the snow was getting to her!

Of course I found this. That "As Seen on TV" section is just too funny.

I mean with "Dramatic Results in Just 2 Minutes A Day" it has to be good, right? ha ha

We left Target.

And walked back to Harris Teeter.

And walked back to my apartment only to discover how deep the snow really was.

After our adventure, we decided it was time to "Wine Down" with some cocktails and that it would be best to have a slumber party. I mean
after all, the news kept mentioning "power outages" and well, apartments just don't have fireplaces so I spent the night at A&J's house.
***I am SO thankful for such great friends that live so close!!! I really have no idea what I would do without this amazing couple. When I need help putting together a lamp (don't ask) or setting up a DVD player or anything like that, A just sends J over and wa la. We've dubbed him "man hands" since he's so handy.***

A makes the best
guac I've had outside of a Mexican restaurant! I mean we had a method to the madness of walking to HT and Target...we needed snowed in supplies!

Tuesday it was really icy and gross but we headed Uptown after lunch and it was so foggy. It was crazy!

We went back to HT to find no bread....

No milk....

But we had a great snow day! Poor J thought we were nuts walking all over the place and documenting our trip but boys just don't understand! We think that's why he hid upstairs watching the Oregon v Auburn game. Or maybe because we were just too excited to read gossip magazines, watch The Proposal and watch reruns of HIMYM, Greys and Modern Family!
I love that you can walk to all those places! If I could WALK to Target, I would be in some serious trouble!