First off, you should probably know that I am very organized and I like to plan things in advance. I love my color coded agenda book.
However, what I'm about to type will shock you.
I received a text message from my friend April while I was at work Saturday.
At 2:30pm she asked me what time I got off of work and if I had plans.
Well, let me tell you...I had the most random yet exciting weekend that I've had in a long time!
I left work, went home, threw random clothes in a bag and hit the road!

Keith and April waiting for the fun to begin!

April and I!

Now April and I have been friends since my freshman year of college, her senior year. We've had a ton of fun times together. I mean, I was her MOH when she and Keith got married, so clearly, the 3 of us get along great! However, we learned that things don't change as we age which is great! April and I dance and have a grand ol time and Keith hangs out watching and shaking his head!

April and I went grocery shopping, home to bake some cookies and just lounge and then I went to visit the kids I used to babysit.
90 minutes later I was in A & K's driveway
and we were on our way here:
Keith and April waiting for the fun to begin!
April and I!
Now April and I have been friends since my freshman year of college, her senior year. We've had a ton of fun times together. I mean, I was her MOH when she and Keith got married, so clearly, the 3 of us get along great! However, we learned that things don't change as we age which is great! April and I dance and have a grand ol time and Keith hangs out watching and shaking his head!
Sunday for lunch we went to one of the fine dining establishments I miss the most...
Tokyo Express
and I enjoyed Teriyaki Chicken with Fried Rice, Broccoli and Carrots. Sweet Tea to wash it down.
April and I went grocery shopping, home to bake some cookies and just lounge and then I went to visit the kids I used to babysit.
We watched the Panthers win, ate dinner and then Susan and I decided to be creative and make Tyler's Halloween costume. He's going to be an Indian (MJ's going to be a Cowgirl). Well, we stopped in the gas station for the Sunday paper since it always has a 50% off coupon for ACMoore and my college suite mate Katrina (who I saw at Steph's wedding) happened to be in the same gas station on her way to Chapel Hill! however, I saw her car, looked around the store, couldn't find her, checked out, called her and she had already hit the highway so we missed one another...but how random!
Anyway, next to ACMoore is a massive Halloween store so we bought Tyler a costume (he's only 22 months old) and found this:
Anyway, next to ACMoore is a massive Halloween store so we bought Tyler a costume (he's only 22 months old) and found this:
It's kind of nice to not have a schedule.
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