Seriously! Some days I stop and think to myself
"If a production crew followed me around with cameras I'd probably be a millionaire by now!"
One day last week I left work and went straight to the grocery store to buy chicken and a few other ingredients for the dinner that I was going to make as soon as I got home. Well, the lines were kind of long and I was hungry so I decided to use the self check out lane. I'm kind of a raw meat juices touching my bag of pretzels/eggs/waffles/oj freak, so I had my chicken in a bag (to prevent cross contamination of course!) and the bagged chicken wouldn't scan. The clerk had to come type in a code and then he bagged the chicken and placed it above where my groceries were and I proceeded with the rest of the items in my cart.
I got home, unloaded my car, preheated the oven, unpacked my bags, changed out of work clothes and into comfy clothes, and started to put together the chicken dish (Salsa Chicken, McCormick seasoning bag style...not that phenomenal if you want my opinion) and all of a sudden, I can't find the chicken! So I look in my chicken. I call the store, they have it. Thankfully the grocery store is close to my apartment so it didn't take long to go back for it but I had to turn the oven off, cover what I had already assembled, get back in the car and it was just a hassle.
-See, made for tv!
Fast forward to last night.
I stopped by Target after I got out of a Small Group meeting to get a few things for a dessert that I want to make tonight. Target didn't have everything I needed to so just went to HT since it's in the same parking lot. I noticed they had a TON of bigger pumpkins and they were now a VIC special of $3.99 (they were $5.99 last week) so I just knew I needed one for the
Pumpkin Carving Party next weekend!
I looked at them all and realized the one I wanted was in the middle and a few pumpkins needed to be moved. So I stepped in the hay/straw, planted my foot and started moving pumpkins to get to the one I want. I grab it, hold it like a football and start to work my way out of the pumpkins. I step back and am missing my shoe. Yep, when I planted my foot it got wedged between 2 pumpkins and the more I moved, the more it stuck. So I had to put my pumpkin on the sidewalk and retrieve my customers walked by because I was in the front of the store by the cars.
-Such a shining moment...but that's not all!
I proceeded to enter the store and grab the 2 items I need and after I checked out (with my one bag that I remembered to grab) I left the store to walk to my car and this was parked next to me:

Apparently the driver of the car had been shopping for a LONG time! :)
And this morning:
I ironed my shirt, ate breakfast, dried my hair, put my shirt on....stood in front of the mirror and realized I only ironed HALF of it.
Needless to say, I'm now wearing a cardigan that required no ironing!