In no particular order, I find simple pleasures in the following:
1. Talking to but also listening to voice mails from these sweet faces (I get a huge smile when I hear T or K say to their mother "but she's not talkin to me" "why she not talkin to me") I love the innocence of these 3, well J doesn't really talk, he's only 16 months old but the stories they share and the things they want to tell me just make my heart melt! I'd rather be playing with them but I'm in NC and they are in DE.

(and yes this picture is from June 2009, and yes it was freezing in Delaware for some strange reason but what can I say, I don't have the January 2010 one yet :) )
2. Doing laundry! ahh i find it relaxing. sorting clothes. washing them. drying them and the amazing smell. I am a "detergent snob" and I love Tide. I think if Tide made a perfume, I'd wear it.
3. I am a firm believer that a Chick-fil-A sweet tea can cure almost anything. If you wake up and have a blah morning, this theory also works if you add a chicken biscuit. If you're having a blah afternoon, this also works if you add some chicken nuggets. However, you must always drink a sweet tea!
4. In college, if I was having a bad day, I got in the car and drove North on 85 until I got to Chapel Hill. I still find it relaxing to just walk around the campus, grab a bite to eat and just hang out and enjoy being outside and watching people. This might make me sound like a loner but I am comfortable with having "me" time!
5. Grocery shopping! I love grocery shopping. Walking up and down the aisles, essentially just for the fun of it for many aisles and finding what it is that's on the list is relaxing to me. I also feel invigorated when something is on sale and I have a coupon! I don't dred the grocery store and I hope my love for it stays around for awhile. I'm blessed I can grocery shop!
6. eating these ... raw and as soon as they come out of the oven and are all gooey and warm and amazing!
7. The beach. In September/October. I mean I love the beach during beach months but I also love walking in the sand along the water in jeans and a hoodie.
8. Clean sheets. Cozy blankets and comfy pillows!
9. The popcorn machine at Ace Hardware :)
10. Spending quality time with my grandparents/finding myself in situations where senior citizens (I'm talking 70+ on this one!) are just darling and start talking and the way things were "back in the day"...just listening to their concerns and reflections in the middle of an aisle or at a restaurant or in a lobby is just precious!
Ok...that's all I can think of for now! I am blessed :)
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