I went here, thinking that it was just your typical Ace Hardware and that I would be able to buy a few nails. I walked it and felt like a kid in a candy store! As soon as I walked in I was greeted by the aroma of fresh popping popcorn...complimentary I might add! I walked around and oh my...this place as EVERYTHING! Dishes, napkins, bags, ornaments, cups, cards, soap and of course hardware. It was awesome!
I walked around and finally made it to the big ol nail bin (it probably has an official name, but whatever). As I looked at all of the options (and WOW, there were A TON of options), I found nails that had a head big enough to not fall out of the frames that I want to hang in my room. I found an envelope to put my 6 nails in and asked George*, my new best friend, if I needed any information to bring to the register. Well, George* asked me what was in the envelope and I proudly told him "6 nails with a head big enough for the picture frames that I am going to hang" George* laughed, wrote "N/C" and "George*" on the envelope and told me "there's no cost for this today. thanks for coming and we'll see you again soon"
George*(his name is not George, I'm just protecting his sweet identity)reminded me a lot of my Poppy. Which is pretty cool since my grandparents are celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary today! Funny how things work!
Anyway, I can't wait to go back to my new favorite hardware place. Especially since they employ so many people. Literally, every time I turned around there was someone right there asking me if I needed help.
And yes, after waiting in line next to the popcorn maker, I ended up consuming half a bag...and boy oh boy was it tasty.
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