This is the picture that I sent her around 8:30 this morning....
Clearly, my place of residence in NC puts the "no" in "snow". So. Not. Cool!
For those of you that woke up to a blanket of white....enjoy it! Funny that all of the other towns/cities in this state in which I've lived have snow. Oh well!
Oh, I should also add that my darling mother sent my brother and I an album of her morning snow pictures (it's still snowing) BEFORE she locked herself out of the house.
My mom loves snow. It makes her crazy. But, she is also a create of habit and always "bottom" locks the door from the inside and locks the dead bolt from the outside. Well, mother wanted to play in the snow and naturally had the reaction to bottom lock the door....was outside for a bit and realized she needed to go back in and the door was locked! However, we never lock the kitchen window. So mom cleared a path to the shed, got the ladder and climbed in through the kitchen window.
She's done this before....but I REALLY wish I was home to have a picture of THAT for my blog! ha ha
Have a great day everyone!
We have two or three inches....wish I could give it to you!!! Oh, and your mom.....too funny!!