Thursday, December 29, 2011
Christmas Show
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Non Thanksgiving Thanksgiving
It was a lot of fun and we laughed A LOT!
Here is Mom carving the turkey breast (because really, we did NOT need an entire turkey!)
You'll notice the BEAUTIFUL card table I borrowed from A & J in May 2010 that I'm still using as a table. Well, I don't really ever use the table but it's nice to have. Since mother and I were having a "real" dinner which should not be enjoyed on the couch, I used the "chair in a bag" chairs as table chairs. Great idea until ya sit down and the chair is way shorter than the table. :)
Part of our feast! As soon as we sat down we realized we forgot the broccoli (thanks to steamfresh bags it was ready in under 5 minutes!)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Code Orange Christmas
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Only in Delaware...
Do you share the road with a tractor and go roughly 5-10mph on a 55mph road because the tractor is either leading the way or taking up both lanes....
*yes, this is a tractor made of haybales and painted to look like a John Deere but it's cool!
Crazy. But it's home!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Budding Author?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Kathy or is it Cathy?!
As for her name. Apparently I used to name my dolls after the people who gave them to me. I asked mother how Kathy/Cathy came about and was told that Chuck who worked at the printing company, his wife gave me the doll. So, there ya have it!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Kickin it Old School...
Dream Phone--Guess who likes you in this talking telephone game! ("Hi, I know who it is!")
The Babysitters Club Mystery Game
Let's Go Shopping-Race Through The Mall In Search for the PERFECT Outfit
Mall Madness-Talking Shopping Spree...yes please!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Happiness is....
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Being Held Hostage
I'm so bad at blogging that I just informed my Mom (who constantly sends me e-mails or texts or leaves me voicemails counting the days since my last post, putting August 23 in the subject line and/or talking about single cheese) that I was going to delete my blog. Oh the horror! If I had a camera at the exact moment I told her this, the photo would win awards cause wow did she look like a sweet puppy from those ASPCA commercials! :)
Really, the 5 followers that I have have most likely forgotten that Grace Like Rain even exists! However, I'm home for a few days and there are things I want to do, but I'm being forced to sit at this computer desk and update my blog before I am allowed to go out and play. My 26 year old self feels like a 6 year old again being told I can't go play with my friends until I finish my homework or clean my room. Goodness!
Anyway, I don't have a reason for not blogging. I'm pretty into Twitter these days. Falling off the whole Facebook thing. I'm not against change, but I usually just read the updates on my phone but sometimes even that is "confusing" and forget logging into Facebook on a 'real' computer...that's just crazy talk!
Well blog world, hope you enjoyed this hostage post. I'm off to go sort through some boxes of "used to be treasures but have most likely transitioned to trash" that mother has been collecting in the attic/my room so that I can go out and play.
Happy Sunday!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sweet Single Samples
*Kraft does not endorse this post nor did they ask me to write it. I don't even know anyone at Kraft. I'm just excited about their smaller portions!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Day of Fun!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
June 22
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
I miss you dawg!
It was so nice to have my Mom here! We pretty much just hung out by the pool, did a little shopping, ate dinner outside while listening to a concert, walked to Chick fil a for ice dream cones, went to church and had a cookout with some friends from eGroup. It was great! And, mother proudly told everyone that she has a lot of vacation days so I'm sure she'll be back soon for more fun!!! :)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Christen & Jimmy's Wedding!
It was a beautiful, very hot, ceremony that lead to a cocktail party in the backyard and then the reception in the tent....with a candy bar!
I LOVED the decorations! It was so simple yet fun and elegant and just awesome! This was the first outdoor wedding I've attended and it was stunning!
I kind of want a big tree branch in my apartment to hang pictures off of now!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
I'm back!
It's been a long time...almost 2 months since we last exchanged stories regarding this thing called life. My Mom must be really bored because she keeps mentioning that I haven't updated the old blog...or if I tell her a story about something I did/something that happened she tends to say it would make a great post. So, where have I been you may or may not ask?! Grab a sweet tea and get comfy because it's quite the story!
My last post was April 17, 2011. You can find it here if you haven't already read it Sunday Snapshot
April 17 was an intense day. I went to church that morning to help with an Orientation event, went to work as I was scheduled, had a little break in between and was headed back to church to greet for the evening service. As I was headed to church, I received an e-mail that I no longer had a job. Yep, via e-mail. It was rather devastating and out of the blue and the first thing I did (as I was walking up the sidewalk to the church doors) was start to sob silently. I was so hurt and blindsided. So, you can only imagine how powerful that Sunday sermon was for me. But if your entire world is going to turn upside down, the best place to be is in church, right?!
However, I woke up Monday morning with a sense of freedom and new life! I knew it was going to be an adjustment but I knew that God had a much better plan and that everything would be ok. Though unemployment is never fun, I got to really focus on areas of my life that I neglected because I worked anywhere from 45-75 hours a week and only had 1 day off a week, that day being Sunday. I used Monday as a day to not wake up to an alarm, a bajillion emails/texts/phone calls or run around for others like a chicken with my head cut off. Though I still woke up at 6:00am, it was nice to lay in bed for 5 minutes, eat breakfast and get back in bed just because for the first time ever, I could. While Monday was the first day that I really had nothing to do, it was the start of something great. It was the first day of the rest of my life!
Rather than put you to sleep with all of the details, from April 17-May 17 I did the following:
interview with an awesome company
clean and organize my apartment
be a part of a words will not do it justice 3D Easter Experience @ Elevation (my favorite being the 6:00 Sunday service, but the entire day/weekend was just amazing!)
go out with friends!-this includes lunch, dinner, nightlife, movies...everything I hadn't done!
spend 5 full days with my Mom
volunteer at the church office
listen to podcasts from Pastors Steven Furtick & Andy Stanley
get my life in order
really get to know those in my eGroup and benefit from what a family an eGroup really is
participate in the Race for the Cure again
just enjoy life
It was a long month but it was a great break. I've started a job that I love and I know it's only going to get better! I am blessed to have a fantastic church family, Godly friends and overall blessed to have a supportive family. I concentrated on new and existing relationships with friends and really got to know people because I had the time and my mind wasn't in 1,000 different directions. It was so great to form this friendships and bonds that I know I'll have for quite some time. Most of all, I know how blessed I am to have only been unemployed for an entire month and to have started a new career journey with promise and opportunity!
I thank you for reading this far! Now that I've got somewhat of a hang of things at my new job, I strive to blog more! I did post all of the Sunday Snapshots that I missed during my random blogging hiatus, so be sure to read those!
Happy Monday!
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
John 4:1-26
Jesus moves from religious rhetoric towards the needs of hurting people
1. When you're small people ignore you
2. When you're growing people criticize you
3. When you're big people resent you
The people you want to avoid are the people you need to touch. Jesus did and would.
3 Wrong Wells
1. Well, I'm not worthy
2. Well, it's too hard
3. Well, not now
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sunday Snapshots
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Sunday Snapshots
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
in the midst of the darkness...
Sunday Snapshot
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Friday, April 1, 2011
Show Us Your Church/Churches
I grew up Catholic.
We sat in the front pew every Saturday night for an hour. It was up, down, up, down as Catholic churches go with all of the kneeling and singing. I went through the sacraments of communion, confession, confirmation and whatever else the Catholic church had you do. I attended Sunday School classes each year (on Sunday nights) and was even an Altar Server. But, I never really got it. It could be because the church had 1 person play the guitar and sing and she happened to be my elementary school PE teacher so I envisioned a lot of "head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes and eyes and ears and mouth and nose, head, shoulders, knees and toes" songs while she stood up there. Or maybe I didn't get it because it was so complicated and so much to remember and even though I sat through the entire hour long mass each week, it just didn't click. It was way over my head and very Biblical. It wasn't a warm church. As soon as you walked in the cat got your tongue and you didn't talk unless spoken to by a higher up. So, you walked in, blessed yourself and knelt, walked to your pew, listened, interacted when it was communion time and walked out. You had to reach the sidewalk to the car before you talked again. That's rough! But, I do miss the flower displays at each holiday. That church knew how to decorate with flowers!
Then I was Presbyterian.
We made a little transition and attended the Presbyterian Church. We never joined as a family but I attended the BEST Sunday School class ever and oversaw the nursery. I think for the time I was in charge of the nursery, I watched maybe 2 was an "older" church so the only way I'd have something to do would be if people had family in town! I did end up one weekend watching my Sunday School teachers 1st grandson....who, 9 years later, I babysat for when I moved to NC! I adored my Sunday School teachers and it was just a joy to be in their class and learn from them. The Presbyterian Church was much more welcoming. I remember one Christmas Eve after the service everyone just hung out outside on the church stairs singing Christmas Carols....that would NEVER happen at the Catholic church. Our Sunday School class was heavily involved in Operation Christmas Child and we collected items and filled shoe boxes and then travelled as a class to the distribution center that was about 2 hours away and helped all day Sunday. Our teachers were in their 60s and were awesome. They invited us to their home and made us a great breakfast and we all watched Left Behind. We didn't stay at that church very long as during my senior year of high school our teachers left to return to NC and the church was kind of "old" so the members were declining.
So, we became Methodist.
The church had just gotten a new Youth Pastor and it was all the buzz in town. We checked it out and eventually we joined the Methodist church as a family. I don't really remember when we first started attending the church but it was a great fit for us. It was very contemporary and met in the Fellowship Hall of the church building. We eventually outgrew Fellowship Hall and overtook "big church" and worshipped there....drums, guitars and all. The lyrics were displayed on a screen and it was pretty awesome. Everyone was happy and welcoming and it was like one big family. After I graduated from college and moved home for a bit, I became a Youth Leader for the High School Youth Group. We had a lot of fun with the kids and the other leaders were my YoungLife leaders so we had a great time bringing back the old lessons and games and craziness! That church has undergone some staff changes and it's in a bit of a "dark" place as I call it at the moment. The Youth Pastor left, the Associate Pastor (who was the counseling Pastor) has left so the main Pastor is alone with some new people, and well, the new people aren't adapting well. However, when I go home, this is the church my mom still attends.
College Church
I attended the campus Chapel Services each Wednesday night and it was nice. The sermons were different and rotated between the Dean of the Chapel and the Bishop in Residence. Occasionally there would be a guest speaker from an area church. It was a short and sweet service. The chapel choirs sang and they always had a nice fellowship spread afterwards. Some of my favorite Chapel Services ended with a group of us going to Tex and Shirley's for $2.00 all you could eat pancake dinners! I attended a "big" church on the weekends that my college apartment neighbors Dad oversaw. It was fun to go there because it was a (what I thought) huge church and they had an awesome contemporary service.
Now Church!
And now I attend what I think is the best church I've ever walked into! I am proud to say that I attend one of the four campuses of Elevation Church. Not only do I attend, but I joined an awesome small group that has since ended but I met some amazing people and I became a greeter! It truly is a phenomenal church where for once, I GET IT! It all makes sense! I actually understand the sermons and know how to apply them. Going to church is seriously the highlight of my week! I know Elevation isn't for everyone, but it's right for me. You can check it out at
I hope you attend a church that's right for you! It's hard to find one sometimes, but once you do, it's the greatest thing ever!!!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday Snapshot
Today was by far, one of my absolute favorite worship experiences. Between the music and the sermon it was just awesome! Grapes and Giants is A Walk through of Ephesians and I just love it! Numbers 13:17-33 was compared Ephesians 1:17-
Thoughts to Ponder:
It is possible for God to have all the power but for his people to live in total weakness.
Don't fear the giants more than you fear the grapes.
Most of us visit the land and look around, but we never occupy the land and take possession.
Your strength in life isn't determined by your ability, it's determined by Gods authority.
Powerful device being used far beneath it's potential.
Don't be a powerful force that doesn't perform to it's potential. Claim it, bring it, change it! Make a difference and use the good that you have to help others.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Dreams can come true...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Good People
I LOVE my mechanic.
My car needed a routine oil change but the check engine light came on at the beginning of the week so yesterday morning I dropped off my car and explained what was up. Mr. Mechanic said he'd change the oil and figure out why the engine light was on and would keep me posted. Now, had I gone to the place I went to before I found Mr. Mechanic, they would've found everything under the sun that I'd need to fix. That's why I am no longer a customer of theirs. Anyway, I spent a good 10 minutes on the phone with Mr. Mechanic yesterday enforcing that I trusted him/his opinion and valued his honesty and approach and that for as long as I live where I live, he'll continue to be my mechanic. That's how much I love this place. So when we collectively decided that a new or new-to-me car is in my very near future, I knew it was the real deal and not him just saying I should pour a ridiculous amount of money into a car that most likely won't make it to March 2012. Mr. Mechanic also said he'd check any car I think about purchasing to make sure it'll be a great experience. How awesome is that! It was just such a great feeling.
Today at work, a sweet older gentleman, after a few minutes of general conversation, asked me if I would come speak to his Rotary Club at their next lunch meeting. ME. The "guest speaker". I'm thinking the members would be rather disappointed because I'm not certain that I fit any of the requirements to be a guest speaker but Mr. Rotary Club member was just adorable and so sincere. He was in a beach music band while in college, had 2 jobs and is now happily retired so he, as he put it, "just runs around all day doing his honey do list and giving back to the community since he wasn't able to when he was working". Mr. Rotary Club member and his wife are some of the sweetest people and he just made my day.
I think it's important to remember the good people in life because sometimes the day to day craziness can get one down. Too often someone has a bad encounter early in the morning and it just passes on to each person they come in contact with and pretty soon everyone is miserable. (much like the HIMYM episode with Marshall screaming at everyone because he had a horrible day at work)
Let's all just be happy! :)
Monday, March 21, 2011
They are AWESOME! I've had my hair pulled back since 8:30 this morning. I took out the tie and had a faint line but it "falls" out within 15 minutes. I think the secret is the hair tie doesn't offer a strong/tight hold like a regular hair tie does. It's certainly worth trying!
I must say, I have no clue who these emi-jay people are, I've never met them, probably never will and I am no being compensated by them for this post nor am I endorsing them...I'm just passing on my excitement of having luscious locks with no hair tie line! :)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
1st to 12th
I'll go to bed this evening being an official resident of North Carolina!
It was quite the experience! The DE DMV is rather different (and much easier/less time consuming) than the NC DMV.
I'll leave you with the following pictures from my hour standing in line...
Really, this was a full service parking lot....just check out the sign!
and when you're can celebrate at El Reventon.....
I took this picture for Nonny. It may not be a propane tank but it's a decorate satellite dish!